Basically your weaknesses can lead to your strengths and you should never have to change yourself to fix those weaknesses.
David's suggestions 1,2, and 4 are ones I think are very valid points. You need to know your weaknesses. Everyone has them, but not everyone knows them. In order to exploit your weaknesses into strengths, you need to know what they are and how you can exploit them, which is indicated very well in 1 and 2. 4 says that you shouldn't try to fix your weaknesses as it will be troublesome, at the least, painful and slow. Your weaknesses and your strengths should stay with you, and never be fixed. There are ways to overcome weaknesses and use them to your advantage.
As far as my strengths and weaknesses go, I would say I'm a very stubborn person, I don't like people and therefore don't like working in groups, I tend to continuously change my work to attempt to better it even if it is already more than satisfactory. I also tend to lack creativity on my own, as in I need someone to give me guidelines. If someone tells me to go outside and paint something, I wouldn't know what to paint. There are so many options. But if someone tells me to paint that hummingbird by the feeder in 5 seconds, then challenge accepted. I guess I can't make important choices when I need to.
I tend to agree with you on most of the points you made in your post. I found the same points you made both helpful and informative as well. I like what you had to say about creativity as well. Sometimes having all the freedom to do something is the worst thing, and that restrictions on what a person can and can't do creatively can often spark true innovation. I also kind of get that competitive spirit about projects I've been working on, yet most of the time I work harder just as a challenge to myself.